Thursday, May 26, 2011

We Do Lines featured in TheStreet

TheStreet reporter Laurie Kulikowski spoke with Chris Couri to learn more about the nation’s first line striping franchise and its rapid plans for growth. Stemming from a dilemma the We Do Lines crew had, they unveiled a highly fragmented industry segment worth $600 million and that’s when the light bulb went off. Now the brand expects to open 100 new locations by 2014. To learn more about what makes We Do Lines a franchise to watch, read here!

7 Small Franchises That Are Growing Fast
By Laurie Kulikowski

Couri and his partners saw an immediate opportunity in booking business with landscaping clients.

"We did local due diligence and research and there weren't a lot of providers out there -- 13 in Connecticut. We called everyone that did it. Two called back, which really gave us an indication of how the industry was fragmented," Couri says.

But it was when they launched their Web presence that the founders saw the real potential for the business -- a $600 million market within a $29 billion industry that is relatively untapped, the company says.

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