Tuesday, February 21, 2012

We Do Lines in Parking today

We Do Lines was recently featured in Parking Today in an article titled, “A Franchise – He Does Lines.” The article features WDL franchisee Tom Cox and discusses Cox’s professional background, how he learned about the industry and why he chose this type of business. Cox also discusses the ease of expansion opportunity with We Do Lines , and how he plans to grow the business in Arizona. Click here to view the entire article.

By John Van Horn

Tom Cox spent 26 years in the hospitality industry. Retirement bored him. Now what? Painting lines on parking lots? Really!

Parking Today caught up with the Arizonan at a franchisor company meeting in Minnesota at which he and other “We Do Lines” parking lot striping franchisees were receiving in-depth training on equipment and service.

“I researched the company and liked the service standards, the code of ethics and the customer focus,” Cox said. “That was important to me in my last career, and I know it’s important to my customers.

“The franchise model was right on, providing proper uniforms, equipment, training, logos. We are all part of a team.

“Mine is a small company now,” he said of We Do Lines of Arizona, “but I’m able to come in from a different industry and use my experience to grow and make a profit. Like any company, branding is important, plus we have a synergy you don’t see if you start from scratch.”

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Friday, February 17, 2012

Franchisee Profile: Bob Russo

Name: Bob Russo

Territories: State of CT, South West FL (Port Charlotte to Sarasota), Greater Orlando Area
Phone Number: 860-227-2934
Email: rrusso@wedolines.com

Where are you from?
I am originally from Ridgefield, Connecticut which is the same place where We Do Lines corporate headquarters is located.

What is your background?
Before franchising with We Do Lines, I worked in the construction equipment industry. I was the sales and marketing manager and part owner of the company. We conducted business in seven states and had five offices between Connecticut and Virginia.

How did you learn about the brand?
An old school friend of mine introduced me to the business through an article in the newspaper. He happened to be friends with one of the founding members of the company and we decided to call to learn more about the opportunity. Due to my construction background, I immediately thought We Do Lines would be a valuable career move for me and offered me the chance to open my own business.

What was appealing to you about joining a franchise system?
Owning a We Do Lines franchise is great because of the support systems put in place. The ability to network and leverage other franchises makes it easy for me to successfully pursue national and large footprint accounts. Through creating solid business relationships, I can gain access to other clients throughout my territories. These business relationships are vital to connecting the dots in our territories and growth targets.

What makes your business different?
I feel that my background of twenty years in the construction industry has helped us to get off to the fast growth start we have experienced. As with my former company, customer service and professionalism are paramount to the We Do Lines philosophy. We have introduced our services from a contracting perspective. Some examples are: We are extremely safety conscious. All personnel are OSHA 10 certified. We are always looking for more efficient ways to do our jobs. We use the best and most updated equipment and products.

To us, customer satisfaction is the number one key to success.

What challenges have you overcome to get where you are now?
Many of our projects are done at night and on weekends so we don’t interfere with our clients operations. These projects need to be completed on schedule because we are often working on multiple projects and can’t afford return trips. Training personnel on how to use the equipment safely and is also very important. In addition, we make our people very aware that we work in areas that are not always well lit, have moving vehicles and sometimes people traffic.

What are your expansion or development plans?
Currently we are looking to complement our current business model with more expansive services such as interior warehouse and industrial striping and marking. Eventually, we hope to work more directly with contractors and construction companies on new parking lot projects.

Do you have any other interesting hobbies or passions?
I enjoy the outdoors. I played sports my entire life, but my current passion is scuba diving. I’ve traveled to many unique locations including the Cayman Islands, Cozumel, and Belize. One of my favorite and most memorable dives was a drift dive in Cozumel, where we were able to explore a large coral reef. I traveled down almost 80 feet without even noticing, and just let the current take me away. When you are diving, you are exploring a completely different world. There’s no feeling quite like going down 60 feet in clear blue water, and being able to experience something most people only dream about. It’s humbling.

Based in Ridgefield, Conn., and founded in 2008 by three friends looking to revolutionize a $1 billion segment of a $29 billion industry, We Do Lines, USA , a full-service parking lot striping franchise provides quality, professional, and reliable line striping services in a timely and cost efficient manner. Its services make parking lots everywhere safer, cleaner and more functional, while enhancing the overall aesthetics of the property. We Do Lines, USA accomplishes this mission by utilizing a combination of state-of-the-art technology and trained professionals to ensure a top-quality end result. For more information, please visit www.wedolines.com.

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